Thursday, November 16, 2017

Malaysia Peninsular Lakes, Pahang, Bera 马来西亚半岛湖泊,彭亨州属,百乐湖

Malaysia Peninsular Lakes, Pahang, Bera  

Tasik Bera (Lake Bera) is located in the centre of Peninsular Malaysia, in the southwestern corner of the state of Pahang. There are many similarities to its more famous sister lake Tasik Chini, which lies 50 km to the northeast; both are shallow, seasonal, riverine lake systems which empty into the Pahang River to the north. However, in contrast to the gross mismanagement which affected the sustainability of Lake Chini's ecosystem, Tasik Bera is an example of how a sensitive wetland area can be studied, reviewed and developed for low-impact tourism with due regard given to its indigenous tribes.

The shape of the lake system can be likened to a forearm and hand pointing toward the southeast. Seven flooded river valleys form the fingers of the hand, each extending over 10 km into the surrounding peat swamps and lowland dipterocarp forests. In all the lake area measures 35 km by 20 km and covers an area of 6150 hectares. Water depth is shallow - between 2 and 5 metres only, thus it is categorised as a "Wetland" i.e. it is less than 6 metres in depth. During the monsoon season, from November to March, water levels may rise by 3 metres or more..

Lake Bera, The People

The highlight for most visitors to Bera is a visit to the Semelai villages. The Semelai people call themselves Semaq Tasik (the lake people) and have been living in the lake area; working on the land - planting crops such as paddy, bananas, tapioca, sugarcane etc for over 600 years. They were accomplished forest farmers, practicing the age-old method of shift cultivation. The farmers rotated their crops on that same clearing of land until the soil in the area was no longer suitable or fertile enough to sustain another cycle of good harvesting. Then they collectively moved to another area. When one plot of land was being worked on, the old areas were left to regenerate. Excellent example of forest management!

During the Emergency period (the 1948-1960 Communist uprising), the government decided to relocate the free-roaming Semelai families into settlements. A majority of them settled at POS Iskandar, the largest Semelai settlement area at Bera. But there are still splinters of families living in small villages scattered around the lake. Today, shifting cultivation is no longer practiced due to limited land space source of income for the Semelai mainly derives from tapping rubber on their 6-acre 'government-sponsored' land, working as labourers at nearby logging camps, harvest from the surrounding forests & lake, making handicraft and offering various adventurous and cultural eco-tourism activities and packages.

The Semelai
For over 600 years an aboriginal tribe or Orang Asli have lived around Tasik Bera; these are the Semelai. Traditionally they relied on fishing and hunting for food, but now many of the Semelai are settled in villages where they have established vegetable plots and fruit orchards. However, they still collect resin from species of Keruing (Dipterocarpus sp.); this is done by cutting the bark of the tree and then lighting controlled fires between the buttress roots, thereby keeping the resin flowing freely from the wound. The resin or Minyak Keruing is used for caulking of boats and for torches.

The Semelai harvest Pandanus leaves for manufacture into handicrafts, and it is believed that this actually controls the spread of the plants, thereby keeping the waterways navigable. Areas of burned Pandanus show where the Semelai have attempted to flush out terrapins or turtles for food. They are also adept at trapping the Reticulated Python Python reticulatus in the nearby oil palm plantations; the snakes are sold for their skins which probably end up as leather goods. This has posed some threat to the species, however given the experience elsewhere in the region where large Reticulated Python survive in urban areas, it is unlikely this activity would cause extinction of these snakes in Tasik Bera.

In view of the remoteness, the only accommodation available within Tasek Bera reserve is the Persona Lake Resort. Sited atop a forested hill and overlooking the lake, the resort affords great views of the surrounding scenery. 

Lake Bera, Wildlife
Tasek Bera is a sanctuary for more than 200 bird species, 50 mammals and 90 fish species. It is also a habitat providing food and shelter for bird life, including kingfishes, hawks , herons, but overall, water-birds are strangely scarce. Though very difficult to see in the wild, the extended wetland area and its surrounding forests still support tigers, tapirs and elephants, all endangered species. Other wildlife known to exist here include the clouded leopard, wild boars, monkeys, mouse-deer, flying squirrels and flying lemur though the endangered crocodile called the Malayan False Gharial is a rear sight these days.

Boating and Kayaking
Thick stands of Pandanus helicopus dominate the lake, dissecting it into narrow waterways and secluded bays. Exploring this complex maze is best done by small boat; these can be easily hired and most are owned by the local Semelai tribesmen who are expert in navigation and boat handling.

It is worth anchoring in a secluded spot for an hour, turning off the boat's outboard engine and sitting quietly to see the wildlife slowly emerge. If lucky you may spot the Malayan False Gharial Tomistoma schlegelii, a harmless but rare species of freshwater crocodile, or even the endangered Striped Giant Soft-shelled Turtle.

Secretive bird species, such as the shy but common Pied Fantail Rhipidura javanica may also appear. Associated with the Pandanus are fine examples of pitcher plants, such as Nepenthes gracilis.

Jungle Trekking
Biologically rich in flora and fauna, the lowland rainforests offer ample opportunities for jungle trekking excursions.

Lake Bera, Fishes
As an important biodiversity reservoir for freshwater fishes, Tasek Bera contains a large number of the country’s species, including popular aquarium fish such as harlequins and tiger barbs as well as large predatory catfish and other sport fish.

An abundance of fish species
Tasik Bera's big attraction is the incredible diversity of fish species. Almost 100 species of freshwater fish have been identified, the majority being endemic to Peninsular Malaysia. These include the highly valued, and thus endangered, Asian Arowana or Golden Dragon Fish Scleropages formosus, the Silver Shark Balantiocheilos melanopterus and the Harlequin Rasbora Rasbora heteromorpha. Other species include various Catfish, Gouramy, Barbs and Carp. Mention must also be made of the Giant Freshwater Puffer Tetraodon palembangensis which has the dubious distinction of being a fish species which can be made into a Rebak or a type of musical instrument !

Fishing is allowed in the lake - it is hoped that the authorities will closely monitor fishing activities to prevent rarer species from being overexploited, and that catch-and-release fishing will become the norm.

Curiously, bird life at Tasik Bera is not easy to see, even though over 200 species have been identified in the area including the Crested Fireback Lophura ignita the rare Malayan Peacock Pheasant Polyplectron malacense, a stunning bird which measures over 50 cm in length, with brown-patterned plumage, a shimmering greenish or aquamarine crest and vivid orange facial skin with bold black markings around its eyes. Other species identified on a recent trip include various kingfishers (e.g. the common White-throated Kingfisher Halcyon pileata), eagles (e.g. the rare Grey-headed Fish Eagle Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus) and hornbills (e.g. the uncommon Wrinkled Hornbill Rhyticeros corrugatus). Overnight visitors at the Persona Lake Resort may well see a pair of Brown Wood Owl Strix leptogrammica who frequently come to hunt in the area. 
The forests around Tasik Bera also support a diverse range of larger vertebrates including the Malayan Tapir, Asian Elephant, Clouded Leopard and rare Tigers, however visitors are unlikely to encounter these animals; there are no viewing hides in place for the visitor to remain concealed.
Lake Bera, Accommodation

Mini Pos Bandar 32, 28300 Triang, Bera, Pahang Darul Makmur
Tel: 609-276 2505
Fax: 609-276 2505

The resort offers 
~ Two exclusive dormitories, each able to    accommodate 20 people
~  A chalet for two
~  A rest house with four rooms, each room accommodating 2 people
~  A camping ground with the basic facilities.
Persona Lake Resort : Tel : 609-5135566, Fax: 609-5130510

Tasek Bera has distinct wet and dry seasons which may determine the best time to visit. The wet months are from April to May and from September to January; while the dry periods are from February to April and June to August.  Note however that some sections of the forest trails may not be accessible during the wet months.

Lake Bera, Getting There

From Singapore :
Follow North-South Highway to Yong-Peng. Turn off at Yong Peng towards Segamat on Route 1. At Segamat turn right on Route 12. Follow Route 12 for about 60 km, then turn left at Kampong Landak and follow the sign posts for Tasik Bera. After 55 km follow the last 5 km on unsealed road to Persona Lake Resort
By KTM Train to Triang. For timetable see KTM Train Schedule. Arrange with Persona Lake Resort for pick-up at Triang station. 
From Kuala Lumpur
Follow Route 2 (Kuantan road). Turn south off Route 2 at Temerloh and take Route 10. After Kerayong turn right off Route 10 and follow signs to Tasik Bera. After 16 km follow the last 5 km on unsealed road to Persona Lake Resort.
By Express Bus via Karak Highway to Temerloh. Arrange with Persona Lake Resort for pick-up at Temerloh Bus Station.

位于彭亨州南部的百乐湖(Lake Bera),被誉为全马最大的天然淡水湖.占地超过2400公顷的百乐湖,是我国受保护的湖泊之一。



百乐湖的湖水朝北流进百乐河(Sungai Bera),最终汇入彭亨河。据说,百乐湖早在4500年前形成,之前该地区主要是蜿蜒的河流及河岸森林,后来地底的移动和拉捎树丛(Pandanus,原住民称为Rasau)堵塞了百乐河,形成了沼泽地。

百乐湖除了天生丽质,在国际范围的生态保护方面,亦是非常珍贵的湿地或湖泊。珍贵的原因有数项,首先,她是东南亚境内最具特色的淡水沼泽地,拥有独特的泥炭沼泽林,由于湖底尽是腐朽植物形成的泥炭而湖水呈咖啡乌色 :





Planning your Malaysia’s Lake Exploaration with Cheng Pai Voyage,

Cheng Pai Voyage 城派梦想旅游,
Dennis Loh, +6 012-359 1886
Ice Looi, +6 012-631 7638 

Email :
Facebook : Cheng Pai Voyage

Wechat : chengpai60123591886 / icelooi33
Whatspp / Line : 0123591886

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