Thursday, November 16, 2017

Malaysia Peninsular Lakes, Pahang, Chini 马来西亚半岛湖泊,彭亨州属,珍尼湖

Malaysia Peninsular Lakes, Pahang, Chini  

There are only two natural lakes in Peninsula Malaysia and both of them are located in the state of Pahang. Tasik Chini is a beautiful spot - a lake formed from the natural damming of a river valley. Located about 100km from Kuantan, the capital city of Pahang, the lake is Malaysia's second largest natural lake and is made up of a series of twelve lakes.

Tasik Chini is well known for its many myths, thus attracting busloads of tourist from all over the world to the spot each year. According to legend, there is a mythical dragon that lives in the lake and is the guardian to a lost city of gold. The city used to reside over the location of the lake. Around the lake live the Jakun people, a group of Orang Asli (aboriginal tribe). They believed that there is a serpent by the name of Naga Seri Gumum (Loch Ness Monster) who guards the lake. The serpent is also recognized as the spirit of the lake. Legends or otherwise, these myths have enticed numerous archeologists on scientific expedition to Chini.

Legends aside, the lake by itself is an awesome place, offering breathtaking beauty for its visitors. It lies majestically among 12,000 acres of lush tropical wilderness, so refreshing that it is actually possible to explore the place without feeling tired. The lake is also subjected to regular periods of expansion and contractions. It reaches its full glory and is at its largest during the monsoon periods of October to January.

Tasik Chini is also home to over 144 species of fishes. This is not a surprising fact as the lake has been left untouched for centuries. The best time for anglers would be between the months of November to January, as the lake would be swollen by then, thanks to the monsoon season that increases the size and depth of the lake.

Besides fishing, the lake is also a fertile ground for bird watchers. There are more than 200 species of birds recorded around the area, making Tasik Chini the premier location in Peninsular Malaysia for bird watching. Follow one of the three bird watching trails - it'll bring you through different habitats. If you're there during the months of October to March, you'll get to see the migratory birds as they come in to Chini from the northern parts of China to escape the winter.

With such lovely flora and fauna at Tasik Chini, it is no wonder that avid photographers flocked to the place. A shot of the picturesque lake with the majestic Gunung Chini (Chini Mountain) in the backdrop in the early mornings or while the sunsets is a must! And if you're there during the months of July to January, the beautiful sight before you will blow you away - imagine the surface of the lake blossoming into a garden of pink and white lotuses. Its contrast against the green lily pads is simply beautiful! Another way to enjoy the beauty of the lake is by going on a river safari.

If you're in an adventurous mood, try out some of the challenging off-road driving routes that'll take you through the jungle and swamp areas. These routes are only accessible by 4-wheel drives and promises to offer excitement to thrill-seekers. And if you're interested in jungle trekking, it will be a good idea to hire a guide to lead you through some of the natural surroundings. This way, you won't miss a thing, as these guides are pros in their field.

For accommodation, you can have the option of staying at the wooden chalets or camp out under the stars. There are also a few restaurants for you. To get to Tasik Chini, you can catch the bus from Kuantan town. It is also accessible by road from most areas within the Peninsula Malaysia and Singapore.


珍尼湖是珍拉汀湾最受欢迎的村外探祕行程相传湖底有一座淹没消失的高棉古城(Khmer City),其年代与文明,与西方著名的亚特兰提斯(Atlantis)古城同期,还有一隻像巨龙般的大水怪守护著古城,多年来绘声绘影的传说,增添了珍尼湖的神秘感



乘船深入珍妮湖,与从地图鸟瞰地况的感受截然不同。湖的最外围,有高耸的大树长在山坡上。一簇簇聚生成高墙的露兜树(Pandanus helicopus),与一丛丛如绿色乱发的蒲草(Lepironia articulata),点缀在湖岸边和湖的中央,东一丛,西一丛,或一小片,或大如湖中岛屿,把珍妮湖围造成一座天然的绿色迷宫。



乘船游湖的沿途,水中可以轻易看到成群的剪刀鱼(Rasbora sp.)和五间老虎鱼(Puntius partipentazona)。水上有露兜树、蒲草和莎草。曾经为珍妮湖吸引游客最大卖点的莲花,如今生长范围已不如过去般宽阔,通常只生长在水浅的岸边。另外,我们也在空中看见冠斑犀鸟(Oriental Pied Hornbill)和小渔雕(Lesser Fish Eagle)。

从珍妮湖往珍妮河,岸边的露兜树和莎草越来越少,沿岸而立的高大树木逐渐出现。乘船沿着河水蜿蜒而行,有树木遮荫,因此不像在珍妮湖时那般阳光曝晒,而是相当的舒服凉爽。鸟群在这里也比在湖中更常看见。岸边的水中,有印度浪草(Aponogeton undulatus)从水底长到水面,外形如一根根波浪状的绿色带子,有些末端分支成小植株。其中,穿插地长出数串露出水面的白色花穗。


从吉隆坡,采用 Karak Highway往关丹方向,在Gambang出口离开,连接2号公路继续朝往关丹方向。接着,依照往Segamat路牌右转入12号公路,直行至跨越彭亨河后,依照Tasik Chini路牌右转,直走约18公里。

然后,依照Tasik Chini路牌转左。直走进入崎岖不平的山路,并于6公里后的三叉路左转,再行驶约1公里,即可抵达这里。

Planning your Malaysia’s Lake Exploaration with Cheng Pai Voyage,

Cheng Pai Voyage 城派梦想旅游,
Dennis Loh, +6 012-359 1886
Ice Looi, +6 012-631 7638 

Email :
Facebook : Cheng Pai Voyage

Wechat : chengpai60123591886 / icelooi33
Whatspp / Line : 0123591886

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